弊社がインポートしているRooftop Redsワイナリーは2016年、ニューヨーク・ブルックリンで世界初の商業用都市型屋上ぶどう園を開業したワイナリーです。屋上ぶどう園の場所は人気歌手レディ・ガガのライブや米大統領選の討論会の会場にもなったフォーターフロントの海軍造船所跡、ブルックリン海軍工厰。現在毎年25ケースのワイン生産に成功しています。





Rooftop Reds is a Brooklyn based wine brand focused on sustainability and with a special interest in promoting wines from New York State more
broadly, both within New York City, Nationally, and Internationally.

Rooftop Reds’ primary vineyard is located on a rooftop in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and produces a small amount of wine from these grapes each
year for people visiting the tasting room to try.

However, since production at this location is relatively small, the rooftop serves primarily as a location for serving wines produced from it’s
partner vineyard in upstate New York, Point of the Bluff Vineyards.

Point of the Bluff is located in the Finger Lakes designated AVA (American Viticultural Area) of Western New York State. The region produces
primarily cool climate European vinifera, and is one of the few regions on Earth capable of producing Ice Wine. Owing to the moderating influence of the lakes themselves, the grapes are able to survive the cold winters, with vineyards usually located immediately next to the lakes to take
advantage of the moderating lake effect.

Rooftop Reds have brought their first shipment of wines into Japan this Spring after receiving strong interest at the rooftop by visitors from
Japan. In future, we hope to promote other New York State wines through the introduction of this brand, as well as beers, spirits, and other unique beverages











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